A goal for most people is often successful, competitive employment. Individuals with developmental disabilities are statistically more likely to experience unemployment or lesser employment than their peers. With support and training, many individuals are able to experience successful and meaningful employment. Employment Services are designed to assist individuals in meeting their employment goals through community employment with competitive wages.
Creative Pathways Employment Services are designed to meet the needs of individuals looking to gain employment in a community setting with competitive wages. Employment Support Professionals (ESP’s) are trained with annual and ongoing trainings to provide support and resources for individuals in their job-seeking endeavors and on-the-job assistance. ESP’s are trained on the individuals employment goals based on their strengths, talents, interests and skills. The job of an ESP is to assist the individual in the employment goals, while also acting as a representative to assist the individual in meeting the needs of their employer.
Employment Services focus on providing individuals with the skills necessary to fulfill their employment goals over their career lifetime.
Types of employment services include:
Career Planning – Assistance in identifying an individual’s talents, skills, abilities, interests and needs for achieving integrated employment. A component of this service is benefits planning to assist with balancing earned income with health and Social Security benefits.
Prevocational Services – Soft skills training and work experiences intended to teach personal skills necessary to prepare for employment.
Job Development – Assistance with business outreach and finding the right employer match for an individual’s unique interests and preferences.
Supported Employment – Services provided at a job site to support workplace relationships and job performance.
Gainful and meaningful employment with competitive wages is a validating experience for most adults and it is important that individuals in our service are able to have that experience. Integrated and successful community employment is our goal for all of our individuals. If you or someone you know are interested in these services or you are an employer who has opportunities for our individuals, please contact us for more information.