When thinking about the future care or services for your loved one, there are several things to consider, including: guardianship, conservatorship, types of services and funding for services. Fortunately, Creative Pathways is able to help answer questions that you may have regarding any of these topics.
In the State of Missouri, an individual with developmental disabilities will automatically become their own guardian at the age of 18. For some this is not an issue, while others may need someone to help make the various life decisions that occur. If you suspect that your loved one or someone you know needs guardianship, you can apply for guardianship through the county court or a judge can appoint a Public Administrator as guardian. Obtaining guardianship is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Alternatively, if an individual is able to make some of the necessary decisions for themselves, they may need someone to assist them with financial decisions and personal affairs. This is considered a conservatorship.
Guardianship – A legal process that is utilized when a person can not or can no longer make safe, sound decisions for themselves or has become susceptible to undue influences or fraud.
Conservatorship – A legal process that appoints a person to manage another’s financial and personal affairs.
A person with developmental disabilities has the option to continue to receive services from a public school until the age of 21. After they age out of public school services or choose to not return to public school service after graduation, agencies such as Creative Pathways is able to continue the support that they may need. In order to obtain services from Creative Pathways, the individual will need to either secure a Medicaid Waiver from the State of Missouri or be able to independently fund services. Their support coordinator will assist with this process. This process is all outlined on our Obtaining Services page.
Individuals can receive a variety of services and in the manner in which they need. Creative Pathways offers full time residential services, full or part time day program services, and employment services. To learn more about the services offered, please visit our Services tab at the top of the page.
It is important to know that an individual can receive services from multiple providers, a single provider, engage in a variety of community services, and participate fully or partially in services, depending on their needs and wants. If you have any questions about the services we offer, obtaining services, or any of the legal processes entailed, please contact us.